Bern's Winefest: Grand Tasting ExperienceBern's Winefest: Grand Tasting Experiencedim., avr. 27, 12:00Haven • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 550,00 $Laxer Family Foundation1.1k abonnésSauvegardez Bern's Winefest: Grand Tasting Experience dans votre collection.Partagez Bern's Winefest: Grand Tasting Experience avec vos amis.
Sarah Penner| THE AMALFI CURSE | Live at OE with Sarah PennerSarah Penner| THE AMALFI CURSE | Live at OE with Sarah Pennerlun., avr. 28, 18:30Oxford Exchange • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 30,00 $Oxford Commons Hospitality Company2.4k abonnésSauvegardez Sarah Penner| THE AMALFI CURSE | Live at OE with Sarah Penner dans votre collection.Partagez Sarah Penner| THE AMALFI CURSE | Live at OE with Sarah Penner avec vos amis.
Conversation with a CEO: Elodie DorsoConversation with a CEO: Elodie Dorsojeu., avr. 3, 08:30CAMLS - Center For Advanced Medical Learning And Simulation • Tampa, FLGratuitUniversity of South Florida Muma College of Business747 abonnésSauvegardez Conversation with a CEO: Elodie Dorso dans votre collection.Partagez Conversation with a CEO: Elodie Dorso avec vos amis.
OE Book Club | April | AtonementOE Book Club | April | Atonementmar., avr. 8, 18:30Oxford Exchange • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 28,00 $Oxford Commons Hospitality Company2.4k abonnésSauvegardez OE Book Club | April | Atonement dans votre collection.Partagez OE Book Club | April | Atonement avec vos amis.
Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room ExperienceSound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experienceven., avr. 4, 21:30Lepley's Kitchen & Lounge • Tampa, FL2Phreaks13 abonnésSauvegardez Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experience dans votre collection.Partagez Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experience avec vos amis.
Leveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL PanelLeveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL Panelven., avr. 4, 15:00Embarc Collective • Tampa, FLGratuitSauvegardez Leveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL Panel dans votre collection.Partagez Leveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL Panel avec vos amis.
The Meet Up: Tip-Off in Tampa BayThe Meet Up: Tip-Off in Tampa Baysam., avr. 5, 16:00Trellis at Buchman - Gastropub • Tampa, FLGratuitSauvegardez The Meet Up: Tip-Off in Tampa Bay dans votre collection.Partagez The Meet Up: Tip-Off in Tampa Bay avec vos amis.
Uninterrupted Presents C-Suite Ballers Live: Powered By SheaMoistureUninterrupted Presents C-Suite Ballers Live: Powered By SheaMoisturesam., avr. 5, 11:00Red Door No. 5 • Tampa, FLGratuitThe SpringHill Company230 abonnésSauvegardez Uninterrupted Presents C-Suite Ballers Live: Powered By SheaMoisture dans votre collection.Partagez Uninterrupted Presents C-Suite Ballers Live: Powered By SheaMoisture avec vos amis.
Conversation with a CEO: Elodie DorsoConversation with a CEO: Elodie Dorsojeu., avr. 3, 08:30CAMLS - Center For Advanced Medical Learning And Simulation • Tampa, FLGratuitUniversity of South Florida Muma College of Business747 abonnésSauvegardez Conversation with a CEO: Elodie Dorso dans votre collection.Partagez Conversation with a CEO: Elodie Dorso avec vos amis.
Child Abuse Prevention Month EventChild Abuse Prevention Month Eventmer., avr. 9, 09:30Tampa Museum of Art • Tampa, FLGratuitDexter LewisSauvegardez Child Abuse Prevention Month Event dans votre collection.Partagez Child Abuse Prevention Month Event avec vos amis.
Tampa Career FairTampa Career Fairven., mai 9, 09:30JW Marriott Tampa Water Street • Tampa, FLGratuitCareer Fair Connection32.6k abonnésSauvegardez Tampa Career Fair dans votre collection.Partagez Tampa Career Fair avec vos amis.
Leveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL PanelLeveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL Panelven., avr. 4, 15:00Embarc Collective • Tampa, FLGratuitSauvegardez Leveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL Panel dans votre collection.Partagez Leveling the Playing Field: The Future of Women’s NIL Panel avec vos amis.
Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room ExperienceSound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experienceven., avr. 4, 21:30Lepley's Kitchen & Lounge • Tampa, FL2Phreaks13 abonnésSauvegardez Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experience dans votre collection.Partagez Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experience avec vos amis.
ParadICEParadICEsam., avr. 12, 23:00Venue 2106 • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 5,00 $Sauvegardez ParadICE dans votre collection.Partagez ParadICE avec vos amis.
Tampa Speed Dating for Singles Age 24-39 ♥ at City Dog Cantina FloridaTampa Speed Dating for Singles Age 24-39 ♥ at City Dog Cantina Floridamar., avr. 8, 20:35City Dog Cantina • Tampa, FLPre-Dating Speed Dating and Lock & Key Events17.2k abonnésSauvegardez Tampa Speed Dating for Singles Age 24-39 ♥ at City Dog Cantina Florida dans votre collection.Partagez Tampa Speed Dating for Singles Age 24-39 ♥ at City Dog Cantina Florida avec vos amis.
Tampa After Dark: The Pretty EditionTampa After Dark: The Pretty Editionven., avr. 18, 21:307th + Grove • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 20,00 $Sauvegardez Tampa After Dark: The Pretty Edition dans votre collection.Partagez Tampa After Dark: The Pretty Edition avec vos amis.
FIVE and TWO Solutions Group. Inc. Youth/Teens Male Empowerment SummitFIVE and TWO Solutions Group. Inc. Youth/Teens Male Empowerment Summitjeu., avr. 17, 11:00Hillsborough High School • Tampa, FLGratuitSauvegardez FIVE and TWO Solutions Group. Inc. Youth/Teens Male Empowerment Summit dans votre collection.Partagez FIVE and TWO Solutions Group. Inc. Youth/Teens Male Empowerment Summit avec vos amis.
Women of Wonder Empowerment ConferenceWomen of Wonder Empowerment Conferenceven., avr. 25, 19:00Love Restoration Christian Center • Tampa, FLNicole Phillip32 abonnésSauvegardez Women of Wonder Empowerment Conference dans votre collection.Partagez Women of Wonder Empowerment Conference avec vos amis.
Be Herd - Rentvine User Conference - Property ManagersBe Herd - Rentvine User Conference - Property Managersmer., mai 21, 12:00JW Marriott Tampa Water Street • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 625,00 $Sauvegardez Be Herd - Rentvine User Conference - Property Managers dans votre collection.Partagez Be Herd - Rentvine User Conference - Property Managers avec vos amis.
Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room ExperienceSound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experienceven., avr. 4, 21:30Lepley's Kitchen & Lounge • Tampa, FL2Phreaks13 abonnésSauvegardez Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experience dans votre collection.Partagez Sound Xchange: Choplife Fridays – A Boiler Room Experience avec vos amis.
Sports Are Fun! LIVE with Kelley O’Hara and FriendsSports Are Fun! LIVE with Kelley O’Hara and Friendsjeu., avr. 3, 19:00Oxford Exchange • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 20,00 $Just Women's Sports33 abonnésSauvegardez Sports Are Fun! LIVE with Kelley O’Hara and Friends dans votre collection.Partagez Sports Are Fun! LIVE with Kelley O’Hara and Friends avec vos amis.
Dottie's Delights Burlesque NightDottie's Delights Burlesque NightAujourd’hui à 19:30La Sétima Club • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 20,00 $Dottie's BurlyQ Revue16 abonnésSauvegardez Dottie's Delights Burlesque Night dans votre collection.Partagez Dottie's Delights Burlesque Night avec vos amis.
CHEEKFACECHEEKFACEmar., avr. 15, 19:00Crowbar • Tampa, FLÀ partir de 22,00 $Aestheticized Presents2k abonnésSauvegardez CHEEKFACE dans votre collection.Partagez CHEEKFACE avec vos amis.