Événements detroit Perrysburg, OH
PMP Exam Preparation Training Course In Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 3 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
PMP Exam Preparation Training Course In Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 3 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
PMP Exam Preparation Training Classroom Course in Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 3 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
PMP Exam Preparation Training Classroom Course in Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 3 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
UKG Time and Attendance -Supervisor/Managers
Wed, Apr 2, 1:30 PM
TEAMS: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yzk4YjIzOWItMzY1My00ZTgxLWI5ZmYtYTVjYWQ4NWNjYWIz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e154a760-1d2d-4ef6-8fd3-ebc8b4ef31fd%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d8e8743f-cdc2-4b2e-b678-15e63049a156%22%7d
UKG Time and Attendance -Supervisor/Managers
Wed, Apr 2, 1:30 PM
TEAMS: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yzk4YjIzOWItMzY1My00ZTgxLWI5ZmYtYTVjYWQ4NWNjYWIz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e154a760-1d2d-4ef6-8fd3-ebc8b4ef31fd%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d8e8743f-cdc2-4b2e-b678-15e63049a156%22%7d
KISS Tribute by War Machine | Halloween BASH
Fri, Oct 31, 8:00 PM
Chateau Aeronautique Winery, Blue Skies Brewery & Mile High Distillery
KISS Tribute by War Machine | Halloween BASH
Fri, Oct 31, 8:00 PM
Chateau Aeronautique Winery, Blue Skies Brewery & Mile High Distillery
4 Day PMP Examination Certification Training Course In Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 3 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
4 Day PMP Examination Certification Training Course In Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 3 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
Microsoft Excel 365 : Get Your Sheets Together
Wednesday at 8:30 AM
After registering and prior to the session, you will receive a Meeting Invitation to access the session. Please plan for possible technical difficulties and arrive 10 minutes early to the session.
Microsoft Excel 365 : Get Your Sheets Together
Wednesday at 8:30 AM
After registering and prior to the session, you will receive a Meeting Invitation to access the session. Please plan for possible technical difficulties and arrive 10 minutes early to the session.
Confirmed 4 Day PMP exam prep workshop in Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 1 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
Confirmed 4 Day PMP exam prep workshop in Detroit, MI
Tuesday at 10:00 AM + 1 en plus
3200 Greenfield Rd
Stories We Tell: Race, Space, and Historical Memory at Michigan Medicine
Thu, Mar 27, 7:00 PM
Detroit Observatory at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
Stories We Tell: Race, Space, and Historical Memory at Michigan Medicine
Thu, Mar 27, 7:00 PM
Detroit Observatory at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
Detroit, Mi| Microblading/Shading Certification | School of Glamology
Wed, Apr 2, 10:00 AM + 10 en plus
Regus - Dearborn
Detroit, Mi| Microblading/Shading Certification | School of Glamology
Wed, Apr 2, 10:00 AM + 10 en plus
Regus - Dearborn
Detroit Coliseum Debate: Who Represents the Working Class?
Sun, May 18, 2:00 PM
The Henry, Autograph Collection
Detroit Coliseum Debate: Who Represents the Working Class?
Sun, May 18, 2:00 PM
The Henry, Autograph Collection