Événements movement Michigan City, IN
The Opening Reception of Katrin Schnabl’s exhibit QUALIA
ven. 28 mars, 18:00
Epiphany Center for the Arts
The Opening Reception of Katrin Schnabl’s exhibit QUALIA
ven. 28 mars, 18:00
Epiphany Center for the Arts
AI Bites: How AI is Transforming the Food Tech– Chicago AI Week Preview
mar. 13 mai, 17:30 + 9 en plus
AI Bites: How AI is Transforming the Food Tech– Chicago AI Week Preview
mar. 13 mai, 17:30 + 9 en plus
Hermene Hartman: Media Pioneer and Founder, Host & Publisher of N’Digo
ven. 4 avr., 12:00
The Union League Club of Chicago
Hermene Hartman: Media Pioneer and Founder, Host & Publisher of N’Digo
ven. 4 avr., 12:00
The Union League Club of Chicago
South Bend Leaders: How To Get Your Best Employees To Stay As Long As Possible?
sam. 29 mars, 19:00 + 21 en plus
South Bend
South Bend Leaders: How To Get Your Best Employees To Stay As Long As Possible?
sam. 29 mars, 19:00 + 21 en plus
South Bend
Chamber of Mothers Local Chapter Meeting -CHICAGO
sam. 22 mars, 10:00
Independence Branch, Chicago Public Library
Chamber of Mothers Local Chapter Meeting -CHICAGO
sam. 22 mars, 10:00
Independence Branch, Chicago Public Library
D-Compressed: Activating the Archives of Black Hull-House Theatre
ven. 18 avr., 18:00
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum
D-Compressed: Activating the Archives of Black Hull-House Theatre
ven. 18 avr., 18:00
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum
Blossoming Bellies- Labor Support Conference
ven. 25 avr., 08:00
lower level simulation center stritch school of medicine
Blossoming Bellies- Labor Support Conference
ven. 25 avr., 08:00
lower level simulation center stritch school of medicine